Don't forget Krista's search tips!
Tips for making Google work better for you!
See UWW's list for additional tips!
You can accomplish a lot of these same tips by using Google's advanced search!
If you are using Google Scholar (GS) - particularly if you are using it from off campus - you'll want to connect it with Hunter Library's resources. That means that when you search, GS will include full text options from Hunter library for you. Once you get that set up, here's what it looks like:
So how do you set this up? Follow these steps!
And that's it, you will now be linked to many of the library's holdings in Google Scholar. You can then click on "FullText@WesternCarolinaU" when it appears next to a citation and be taken to WCU's access to the content. If you are off campus, you will be asked to login.
Council of Scientific Editors Style offers three different systems for citing sources: citation-name, citation-sequence, and name-year (See links below for additional information).
Brief guidelines for most commonly used cite types:
Journal citation: Author(s). Date. Article title. Journal title. Volume(issue):page numbers.
Book citation: Author(s). Date. Title. Edition. Place of publication: publisher.
Book chapter: Author(s). Date. Title. Chapter Title. In: Editor(s) name, editor. Book Title. Place of publication: publisher. chapter pages.
Website: Title of Homepage. Date of publication. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; [date updated; date accessed].
CSE Style requires journal titles to be abbreviated (see Journal Title Abbreviations in left column).
There are two main types of articles you'll come across in these databases and here's how to recognize the difference between the two:
Scholarly research article (sometimes called a primary source, a research article, or an empirical research article)
This reports on original research, meaning the researchers conducted their own research, gathered and analyzed data, and reported on the findings. These articles are recognizable as they are generally organized into IMRAD:
Introduction (which includes a literature review)
Scholarly review articles
This articles are generally reporting on what is known about a specific topic and is a survey of the primary research literature. The authors of these articles are not reporting on their own data or results but rather summarizing others work to develop a broad perspective on the topic. Does not adhere to the IMRAD format.