The books and other sources below are not a complete list of what the library has on the topics you are covering this semester. The items listed below are meant to demonstrate the kinds of materials we offer and link you to sources recommended by your instructor. If you are looking for a particular book or having difficulty finding the information you need, my contact information is at the bottom of this guide.
Article databases recommended by your instructor:
For most of your encyclopedia and background information, I recommend using Credo Reference. You can search an entire encyclopedia library with a single search.
Make sure to set up an account on Music Listening Online using your WCU email. You will need to be logged in to the service before the playlist links posted below will work. If you use your phone to listen to playlists, I would make sure you are logged into the service on whatever browser you use.
The Grove Dictionary of American Music is a great reference source, but searching on their site isn't very straightforward. Below you'll find a screenshot of the main page of the dictionary to show where to search inside of this specific book.