Answer the following prompts:
Important things to know about using Google Scholar:
Method 1: Using the "Journals" search box on Hunter Library's main page or below.
Method 2: Doing the whole Google thing.
Search tools are most effective with keywords or phrases, not entire research questions or sentences. So:
Ways of decreasing hurdles and increasing registration rates for college students using online voter registration systems. NO!
Decrease hurdles AND registration rate AND college students AND online voter registration YES!
Other fairly important tips:
Bonus: Use subject terms (AKA subject headings) to identify other keywords or to link to other items with that same subject as a main topic.
Basically: Experts reviewing other experts. Think of it as a form of quality control.
Blind peer review: No one knows who is who.
Editorial review: Editor(s) get to decide.
Clues: Authors, affiliations, citations (2 types: in text and footnotes/citation list).
Definitive: Journal information from publisher, journal information in databases, Ulrich's.