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Hunter Library
Research Guides
Western Carolina University

STEM Faculty: Research Support

Research Support for Faculty

I'm here to help you navigate through all of the library's services and resource and answer any questions you may have as you engage in your research.  I provide support to STEM researchers by:

  • Answering questions about copyright, fair use, and author's rights retention and referring researchers to appropriate resources, including our Scholarly Communication Librarian, Scottie Kapel. 

  • Suggesting resources - including databases - that might be useful for expanding an existing literature search.  This can also include suggestions and strategies for more complex searches within unfamiliar databases or resources.

  • Working with your research students who may be unfamiliar with a database or resource and teaching them concepts and tools that will help them be more effective when performing a literature search.

  • Providing support for researchers who are unable to obtain the full text of needed resources, as well as guidance to make the interlibrary loan process more efficient.

  • Consulting on internal grant applications, such as Hunter Scholar, and providing feedback in areas related to library resources or services.

  • Providing information and support for data management plans, in collaboration with the Scholarly Communication Librarian, Scottie Kapel.

  • Acquiring resources related to your areas of research interest.

  • Encouraging dissemination of research and research data via NC DOCKS

  • Reviewing journal publication solicitations for potential predatory practices.

  • General troubleshooting, including issues with connecting to the library's resources from both on- and off-campus.

Citation Management

Are you on the lookout for a citation manager?  Here's a few options the library recommends!

Hunter Library provides EndNote Basic for anyone affiliated with WCU.  EndNote Basic is a web-based application and offers plug-in apps increase its utility.  For more information, see our "Using EndNote Basic" page. 

Zotero is another option; it is easy to use and is portable from computer to computer.  Zotero has a web-based version and a desktop app that you can use; libraries will sync with one other and content can be easily shared with others when creating libraries.

Other commonly used citation and manuscript management software include BibTeX and Mendeley, both which are free and publicly available.  Hunter Library does not provide support specific to those systems.  However, good guidance can be found from other universities regarding these two applications and their use (and for integration with other programs).