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Research Guides
Western Carolina University

English 202: Bridgers: Find & Research an Issue in Your Field

Research guide for Rachel Bridgers' English 202 Class

Getting Started

You'll need to select an issue of contention in your anticipated career field, then conduct research to get a sense of the conversation surrounding that issue.

Step 1: Investigate what types of writing exist in your field (major)

You will need to identify different types of writing in your field, and investigating the website of your professional organization(s) is a great way to gather examples.

Use Google to search for professional organizations in your field. For example, since I'm a an academic librarian, I might search "professional organization academic librarians." Once you've identified an organization or two, visit their websites and look for publications they produce. They may publish journals or magazines or have a book press. What topics do you see covered? Write down keywords that interest you, as you can use them to search for sources later.

Step 2: Find Articles on Your Issue

Once you've identified a source, you need to find scholarly/peer reviewed sources that explore possible solutions. The library pre-pays for thousands of scholarly and credible articles and books that you won't find on Google.

You can search an interdisciplinary collection of articles and e-books using this first search box (EBSCOHost), or search a collection which focuses specifically on your discipline using the second search box.

Limit Your Results

Find articles, statistics, laws, financials, etc. in databases - organized by subject


Step 3: Find Books on Your Issue or Field

The library's book collection is another solid place to find resources. Look for items marked "ebook" or "internet resource" if you are off campus and cannot come to the library to check out a print book.

Video How-tos

Scholarship as Conversation

Consensus on major issues in all fields can change regularly. As you begin your research, think of all the research on the topic you choose as a conversation. You, as you become a scholar in that field, will join the conversation.