- Search for your name in your favorite search engine.
Look through the results
- Would someone who searches for you get a good impression of your professional career?
- Do you have your own website? If yes, is it up-to-date? If no, do you want to have your own website?
- Is your CV posted online? If yes, is it up-to-date?
- Is there anything outdated or embarrassing? If yes, go ahead and do a quick audit of your social media privacy settings, public posts, old websites, and information posted by other sites. For example, if you have an outdated page from a former employer, contact the web administrator to see if it can be deleted.
Don't worry if you are not happy with any of your answers. Throughout the summer, you will receive guidance and strategies for each of these areas.
- Search for your name in Google Scholar.
- Do citations for all of your scholarly publications appear?
- Can a user find the full text of your publications?
- And while you are in Google Scholar, make sure your library preferences are set to link you to WCU subscriptions.
- If you already have a Google Scholar profile, check the articles listed. Are there any articles missing? Are there articles listed that you didn't write?
If your search results are wonderful, go and gloat to your colleagues. Otherwise, be sure to tune in for our series of tasks that will help you spruce up your scholarly profile. We will start next week with Google Scholar. Sign up for email notifications or just check our website throughout the summer for new posts.