Before you start designing your poster, you will want to do some planning. Ask yourself the following questions.
This question will help you determine the content of your poster and whether you need to write your poster to be understood by those who have no experience with DegreePlus.
Does the event ask for a vertically-aligned poster or a horizontally-aligned poster? Are there specific size requirements? Is there a specific template you have to use? Having this information in advance helps you design a poster that meets requirements from the outset. If you aren't sure, ask!
Storyboards are often used in the film and television industry to plan out scenes, and they can be equally as helpful in planning a poster. Storyboarding your poster is a great way to visualize how you want to arrange your content and how much space you will need to devote to each piece of content.
The poster-sized paper, poster board, or tabletop will function as your poster. The Post-its, construction paper, or letter-sized paper will function as the pieces of your poster (e.g., content boxes, title space, photos). The markers and colorful pencils will allow you to fill in additional details.
Using your markers or colorful pencils, begin defining your pieces of content. Write in headings (Introduction, Events Attended, Skills Experience, Transferable Skills, etc.) on your Post-its or pieces of paper. Draw quick sketches on additional sheets to represent photos or other visuals you plan to include. Once you have all your content pieces defined, begin laying out the pieces of your poster. Think about where you might want to place content boxes, where you will place any images, and how much space you will need for each element on your poster. If your layout is not working, shuffle things around until you find one that does.
Once you have a layout you like, use your markers or colorful pencils to begin filling in details. Will your content boxes float on the page or will they have a border? If they will have borders, go ahead and draw those. When you have a product you like, take a picture of it so you can refer back.
Your final poster may end up looking nothing like your storyboard, and that is fine! This exercise is a great way to think about your research and how best to display it without feeling constrained by the program you use to create your poster.
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