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Research Guides
Western Carolina University

English 202: Sykes: Home

Course Guide for Professor Sykes's English 202 sections.

Identify Professional Organizations in Your Field

There are a couple of great ways to find professional organizations in your field.

Option 1:  Google professional organizations in your field. For example, I'm a an academic librarian, so I would search "professional organization academic librarians." Once you've found an organization, review the site for all the other information you need.

Option 2: Check O*Net.

Writing in the Disciplines

Want to see some examples of writing in your discipline? Check out this guide for samples.

Scholarly and Popular Sources

Primary and Secondary Sources

Scholarship as Conversation

Consensus on major issues in all fields can change regularly. As you begin your research, think of all the research on the topic you choose as a conversation. You, as you become a scholar in that field, will join the conversation.