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Hunter Library
Research Guides
Western Carolina University

Theater, Musical Theater, & Dance

Resources for finding information on topics related to theater and dance.

How the library organizes plays

I would love to tell you that all the plays are grouped together in the library, making it easy for you to browse for something. Sadly, that’s not the case.

Plays are organized by the author's name, time period, and where they are from. For example, British playwrights are shelved in the PR section along with British authors of poetry and fiction. American playwrights are shelved in the PS section with American authors. And so on.

This is why browsing for plays if you don’t have an author or title in mind, is not feasible. Hopefully, the information in this guide will help you locate the play you need on the library's site and on the shelf!

What are you looking for?

When students come to the library to find plays, they are usually looking for one of two things:

  1. A specific play or playwright
  2. A play (with no title or playwright in mind)

This guide is designed to help you with both of these questions, including providing you with resources to help you choose a play when you aren't sure what you want.

You can start your search with this search box and choose how you want to search for plays. By keyword, by author, or by title.

You have a play or playwright in mind

If you have a title or a playwright in mind, you can search the library's online catalog. Here are some tips for searching.

You need a play, but don't have something picked out yet

If you need a play, but don't have a title or author in mind, the links below are good places to start. Here's a quick video to help, using the link to the Tony Awards as the starting point.