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Hunter Library
Research Guides
Western Carolina University

World History: Find Secondary Sources

Help choosing a topic and finding primary and secondary sources for world history topics.

Library Catalog

The Library Catalog is almost always the most useful place to start history research because:

  • It will help you find primary AND secondary sources
  • The library has a wealth of resources that have been selected by your professors and librarians 

Find Articles

Find Books (including Primary Sources)

Find Scholarly Articles

The quick search box searches for articles within Historical Abstracts, Academic Search Complete, and other relevant databases. Will provide indexing and links to JSTOR and Project Muse.

Tip 1: Full text in Google Scholar is limited. To link up to the library's paid resources from Google Scholar, you need to set up the library links in your preferences. Here's a brief tutorial to show you how.

Tip 2: Google Scholar works well when you have found the perfect source and you want to see who else has used that source. Here's a guide to using Google Scholar for Citation Tracking.