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Use the search tools on this page to locate articles, journals, and a complete list of databases recommended for education. We have a ton of education databases that will help you with your research. Below are a few databases you can explore that are specific to education.
To find scholarly, peer-reviewed journals from various disciplines and databases, use the EBSCO Databases Quick Search.
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Introduction to Literature Reviews
Graduate research methods courses commonly require either a research proposal or an applied research project. In either case, a major component of the assignment, and your grade, will be a review of the existing literature on your topic, including empirical research studies. This guide offers an overview of literature reviews and features library resources and services that will help you be successful.
Because literature reviews differ significantly from a standard research paper or annotated bibliography, it helps a lot to gain a basic understanding of what a literature review is. The resources below can help.
This short video used with permission from North Carolina State University Libraries offers an overview of literature review assignments.
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