Search Hunter Library's databases for articles (popular, news, scholarly, and more) and film reviews.
Read WCU Film Studies students' descriptions of scholarly articles and databases (lightly edited for content, clarity, and brevity).
Scholarly articles are sources that deal with specialized aspects or interpretations of film. They differ from public scholarship in that they are peer-reviewed and usually published by academic journals. The intensive processes of peer review and publishing mean that articles are unlikely to be written on recently released films, though that is not always the case. Articles can be found in academic databases by searching terms related to film. - Ryan Reynolds, ENGL 478, spring 2024
The links in the Articles box take you directly to academic databases to find your very own scholarly sources to use in your own film academic papers! - Deja Gordon, ENGL 478, spring 2024
For a list of film journals available through Hunter Library, follow the link below.
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