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Hunter Library
Research Guides
Western Carolina University

Film Studies


Search the library catalog to find print and e-books related to film studies held by the library. For research starting points and background information, take a look at reference works. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see recent film studies book purchases.

Here's what WCU Film Studies students say about using books in research (lightly edited for content, clarity, and brevity).

Books are a resource that researchers can use to find information on topics regarding film studies. They come in all shapes and sizes: from textbooks and encyclopedias that cover a broad selection of topics, to single-topic books that can go into depth about a particular aspect of film. Another good thing about books is that, like other resources, they can highlight the stories of groups that have been historically marginalized. Books are a helpful resource for researchers as they provide reference points that they can jump off from. They can also be enjoyed by people who are interested in learning about film studies in general. - Sierra Meighan, Gabrielle Miller, and Deanna Sipe, ENGL 478, spring 2024

Library catalog

Reference works


Encyclopedia of French film directors cover.
The encyclopedia of racism in American films cover.
A biographical encyclopedia of scientists and inventors in American film and TV since 1930 cover.
The encyclopedia of LGBTQIA+ portrayals in American film cover.
The film encyclopedia cover.
Encyclopedia of religion and film cover.

Recent purchases

Con Artists in Cinema: self-knowledge, female power, and love cover.
The cinema in flux: the evolution of motion picture technology from the magic lantern to the digital era cover.
Film theory and criticism: introductory readings cover.
The history of cinema: a very short introduction cover.
An introduction to film genres cover.
Mothers of invention: film, media, and caregiving labor cover.