Hunter Library has a rich collection of professional teaching books to help teacher education students with designing successful lessons. One of the best ways to locate books is to search the library catalog using The Classic Catalog. In either case, your search will be more successful if you include one of the following phrases:
Use the work "and" between the concepts of your search. For example, if you were searching for ideas for teaching about The Civil War, try:
"civil war" and "study and teaching."
You may use the same technique to search for books about specific aspects of teaching, such as:
Or, try various approaches to teaching, for example:
Your Library Catalog search results will include books from Western Carolina University, Appalachian State University, and University of North Carolina - Asheville. Students, faculty and staff can request these books from the other universities online, and they will be delivered the next Monday, Wednesday or Friday after the request is made via ABC Express (Asheville, Boone, Cullowhee).
If you prefer to see only what is available at WCU, simply click
and choose WCU under location. For professional teaching books, limit the location to WCU CMC.