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Hunter Library
Research Guides
Western Carolina University

Company, Industry, & Market Analysis

A guide to conducting domestic and global research. Includes tools for SWOT and PEST analyses.


The tools listed on this page provide high-quality sources in support of all your research needs: company, industry, market, mapping, and other data are included. For help with any of these tools, contact Sarah Steiner or use the orange "Ask Us" chat.

Generative AI Tools

WCU currently provides students and employees with access to AI tool MS Copilot. Tools like CoPilot and ChatGPT can be great supports for gathering early or exploratory data in SWOT or PEST analyses. Things to know:

  • AI still sometimes generated false data (this phenomenon is known as "hallucinating"), so you must cross-check facts with the high-credibility sources linked on this guide in any high-stakes assignment for class or work.
  • AI is not excellent about showing where information came from, and copyright infringement is still a major issue. To alleviate this concern, ask your AI where you might find data/articles to verify the information it has provided. If you cannot locate the sources it suggests, the library can help.
  • The quality of your initial prompt is key. Guides:

Citation Help