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Hunter Library
Research Guides
Western Carolina University

Using EndNote Basic: Collecting & Organizing References

Guide to installing, using, and making the most of this citation management software.

Getting References into EndNote Basic

Moving references from our databases (or GoogleScholar) is either a one step or a multiple step process.  We recommend you start your search in the actual database interface and not through EndNote Basic. 

  • Save or mark any items you want to bring to EndNote. 
  • Look for an export link to EndNote.  If there is one, use it and you will have all your saved items uploaded.
  • If there is not an option to export to EndNote Web you will likely have to save the file as a text or RefMan (RIS) to your computer and upload using the "Import References" link in EndNote Basic.
  • All databases are slightly different in terms of the procedure you will need to use.

Create Reference from Scratch

For references you can't import from a database or website you can add them in one at a time using the form in EndNote Basic. On the Endnote Basic page, under Collect, select New Reference.

Image - ENDNOTE basic

Google Scholar & EndNote Basic

Importing references from Google Scholar works with all the import options available in EndNote Basic. We recommend using either the 'Import' option in Google Scholar or the 'Capture Reference' bookmarklet for the most consistent results (instead of the Firefox extension). Here are some tips for each option:

Using the Import function in Google Scholar

  1. In Settings--> Bibliography Manager--> Check the box to "show links to import citations" and set to RefMan.
    Image - Using the Import function in Google Scholar
  2. Under the entry you want to import click on the link to "Import into RefMan". Image - Using the Import function in Google Scholar
  3. Once file is saved go to EndNote Basic and under Collect select Import References. Browse for the file, under Import Option select RefMan RIS, and then select the folder or group you want to send the reference to.
    Image - Using the Import function in Google Scholar

Using "Capture Reference" Bookmarklet

If you haven't already go to the Download Installers page in EndNote and follow the instructions to add the Capture Reference button to your toolbar. To use this function in Google Scholar:

  1. In Settings--> Bibliography Manager--> Check the box to "show links to import citations" and set to EndNote. (You should see the import option on each entry set to "Import to EndNote".)
    Image - Using "Capture Reference" Bookmarklet
  2. Click on the item you want to save and then on the Capture Reference button in your toolbar. A new window will open up and a pre-populated form will appear. You can add or edit the form and choose the folder/group you want the reference in before you save it.
    Image - Using "Capture Reference" Bookmarklet


Edit References

Every reference in your library can be edited. To edit a reference:

  • Select it from your list of references and click on the field you want to edit. Most fields appear as text boxes, but some offer a drop-down menu to select from.
  • Make the changes you need and then click outside the box.
  • A save button will appear at the bottom of the reference. Make sure you save the changes before going to another window in EndNote Basic.

References may contain incorrect data from the database - it is important to make the corrections in your Library before using the information for citations and bibliographies.

Organize References

Organize your library in a way that fits your style.  You can use one library (listed as "all my references") and keyword search to find items on different topics.  If folders are a better method, you can create "groups" and move references into these as needed. All of your references can be viewed together under "all my references" or by folder under "my groups".