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Western Carolina University

For Faculty & Staff

Information for Faculty and Staff

4 recent Hunter Scholars with quotes about meaningfulness of the award.

Hunter Scholar Recipients

Year   Recipient Department


2023-2023 Luiz Lima Da Silveira Biology Firefli: An Online-based, Living Catalog of Firefly Literature
2022-2023 Ben Steere  Cherokee Studies Center

An Archaeological Study of Ancestral Cherokee Architecture

2021-2022 Wingyan Chung Accounting, Finance, Information Systems, and Business Law Enhancing Organizational Agility by Modeling Business Intelligence from Textual News Data
2020-2021 Channa De Silva Chemistry & Physics Computational Chemistry Studies of Uranium Agents with Potential Applications in Nuclear Waste Treatments
2019-2020 Sloan Despeaux Mathematics & Computer Science The Educational Times Database: Exploring the Circulation of Mathematical Knowledge through Questions and Answers
2018-2019 Andrew Denson History Examining the relationship between WCU and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
2017-2018 Kathy Mathews Biology Creating a Montane Island Plant Digital Collection for Research, Education and Conservation
2016-2017 Mimi Fenton English Research and Development of a "Global Humanities" Digital Resource
2015-2016 Yanjun Yan Engineering

Design Optimal Distributed Control Algorithms for Micro-robot Swarm

2014-2015 Channa De Silva Chemistry

Preparation of a Bacterial Resistant Textile Material for Clinical Applications

2013-2014 David McCord   Psychology

Correlations among MMPI-2-RF, ASEBA, and Child Abuse Potential Inventory Scales in a Court-Ordered Sample

2012-2013 Mae Claxton English

Horace Kephart:  Revealing an Enigma

2011-2012 Todd Collins Political Science

Media Coverage and Case Salience in the United States Supreme Court

2010-2011 Annette Debo English

Furious Flowers All:  Violence and African American Women Poets

2009-2010 Elizabeth McRae History Defining Dixie:  The Strange Career of Nell Battle
2008-2009 Marsha Lee Baker English Imagining Peace: American Literature in a Nonviolent Tradition
2007-2008 Hal Herzog   Psychology

Thinking of Animals:  Ethics, Culture, and Human Nature

2006-2007 Andrew Denson History

Monuments to Absence: Cherokee Removal and Southern Memory

2005-2006 Katherine Mathews Biology

Mapping Species Distributions in the Plant Genus Sabatia (Rose Gentian)

2004-2005 Philip Coyle Anthropology Ethnographic Overview and Assessment of the Blue Ridge Parkway
2003-2004 Richard Starnes History

Creating the "Land of the Sky": Tourism and Society in Western North Carolina 1800-1900

2002-2003 Debra Burke Marketing & Business Law

The Law of Hostile Working Environments

2001-2002 Penny Smith Educational Leadership & Foundations

Not Ordinary Graded Schools: Education in the Southern Mountains of North Carolina

2000-2001 Scott Philyaw History

From Old Smokey to Sedro Wooley: Western North Carolina Migration to the Pacific Northwest

1999-2000 James Costa Biology

Reconsidering the Insect Sociality Program

1998-1999 Robin Kowalski Psychology Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy
1997-1998 Julie Johnson Business Administration, Law, & Marketing Why Do Business Customers Defect to Competitive Suppliers
1996-1997 Elizabeth Addison English

Emerson's Language: George Fox as Root and Reconciliation for Emersonian Poet-Seer and Realist

1995-1996 Debra Burke Marketing & Business Law

Cybersmut and the First Amendment

1994-1995 Robin Kowalski Psychology Complaining:  Antecedents, Functions, and Consequences
1993-1994 Max Williams History

Biography of William A. Graham

1992-1993 Gayle Miller English

The Image of the Cave: Medieval Women Who Write from Enclosure

1991-1992 Hal Herzog Psychology

The Philosophy and Psychology of Moral Valuations: The Case of Animals

1990-1991 Not Awarded N/A   


1989-1990 William Anderson History

Cherokee History and Removal and a Compilation of Cherokee Names

1988-1989 Gordon McKinney History

The Vance Papers


The Hunter Scholar award was created in 1987 to encourage faculty scholarship.  Hunter Scholar rewards faculty whose research makes extensive use of library collections.  The award is jointly sponsored by Hunter Library, Graduate School and Research Office, Distance and Continuing Education, and the Office of the Provost.  The Hunter Scholar is designated yearly among faculty (either tenured or tenure-track).

For additional information and to apply for the Hunter Scholar Award, please go to the Research Office’s Hunter Scholar Awards page.