Online Newspapers
When to use the newspaper's free website:
If you just want to browse headlines on today’s edition of a newspaper, search Google for the newspaper’s website. Keep in mind that many newspaper websites have a "pay wall," which means you can only access a certain amount of articles without a personal subscription.
When to use a library subscription or library database:
If you need access to the entire paper or you need to search a specific topic or find a particular article title. Below is a list of major newspapers that the library subscribes to. Databases work well when you need a diverse range of articles on a specific topic, especially if you need articles from many years ago. Many of our news databases include TV transcripts and other forms of news media.
Newspaper Databases--Search by topic and find a variety of articles from major newpapers.
Selected list of library's online subscriptions to major newspapers (in Alphabetical order)
176 Central Drive
Cullowhee, NC 28723
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