We have a number of French-English Dictionaries. You can find them in the Reference section (1st floor) and the General stacks (Ground floor) under PC 2640.
We also have online versions available to you. Here are a couple available to you:
Use the catalog search box to locate books, media and other library resources available from the WCU, ABC Express (ASU & UNCA), and libraries around the world.
Want to browse the stacks? French materials are located in these call number ranges:
Recommended and suggested subscription databases for locating articles related to French literature, language and culture can be found from the WCU Library website:
On each tab you will find a few texts related to France to give you an idea of what the library has available. If these items don't fit your needs try a search in the library catalog for your topic.
176 Central Drive
Cullowhee, NC 28723
Administration: 828-227-7485
Reference: 828-227-7465
Circulation: 828-227-7485
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