The All-in-One HHS Search box searches health, psychology, science, education, and related resources including MEDLINE, CINAHL, ERIC, PsycINFO, SocINDEX, SPORTDiscus, Academic Search Complete, and more. Use whenever you need to find articles. You will find many e-books, too.
If you need to write up what resources you are searching, you may want to adapt the following text. Please note that you'll find much more detailed suggested text specific to different review methodologies at
Healthcare and social sciences-focused resources searched included the research databases APA PsycInfo, APA PsycTests, CINAHL, MEDLINE, Cochrane Collaboration's systematic reviews, Communication & Mass Media Complete, Education Source, Environment Complete, ERIC, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, SocINDEX, and SPORTdiscus as well as multidisciplinary resources such as Academic Search.
The All in One HHS Search box searches approximately 40 distinct research databases at one time. Of those, the databases most relevant to the Health and Human Sciences are CINAHL, MEDLINE, APA PsycInfo, SportDiscus, APA PsycTests, and ERIC. The following provides a complete listing of databases searched as of May 2022.
Academic Search Premier, American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 3, American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 1, American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 2, American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 4, American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 5, Art & Architecture Complete, Art Index Retrospective (H.W. Wilson), Biological & Agricultural Index Plus (H.W. Wilson), Business Source Premier, Child Development & Adolescent Studies, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Communication & Mass Media Complete, eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EconLit with Full Text, Education Source, Entrepreneurial Studies Source, Environment Complete, ERIC, Essay and General Literature Retrospective (H.W. Wilson), Gender Studies Database, GeoRef, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, Historical Abstracts, Hospitality & Tourism Complete, Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 (H.W. Wilson), Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text, Literary Reference Center Plus, MasterFILE Premier, MEDLINE Complete, Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print, Military & Government Collection, MLA Directory of Periodicals, MLA International Bibliography, Newspaper Source Plus, Philosopher's Index, APA PsycArticles, APA PsycInfo, APA PsycTests, Public Administration Abstracts, Readers' Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982 (H.W. Wilson), Regional Business News, Scientific Periodicals, 1771-1901, SocINDEX with Full Text, SPORTDiscus with Full Text, Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide
Can't get at the full text of something?
Start out with those basic steps. Often, those basic search steps are all you need, most especially if you change your search words to reflect terms you note pop up in relevant results you find.
The All-in-One HHS Article Search box allows you to search health, psychology, science, education, and related resources like MEDLINE, CINAHL, ERIC, PsycINFO, SocINDEX, SPORTDiscus, Academic Search Complete, and more, all at one time. You can use it whenever you need to find articles. You will also find some electronic books through this search.
If searching with 2 to 4 words or concepts does not get you what you need, try these:
nurses |
(nurse OR nurses OR “nursing staff” OR “nursing personnel”) |
paramedics |
(paramedic* OR "emergency medical technician*" OR "emergency medical service*" |
empirical |
(study OR cohort* OR random* OR "clinical trial*" OR RCT* OR prospective* |
older adults |
("older adult*" OR “old age” OR aging OR "senior citizen*" OR “65+” OR elder* OR geriat* OR |
Appalachia |
(appalach* OR "western north carolin*" OR "north carolina* mountain*" OR "west* virginia*" OR "west* south carolin*" OR "south* ohio*" OR "cumberland plateau*" OR "east* kentuck*" OR "east tennessee*" OR "north* georgia*" OR "north* alabama*" OR "tennessee valley*" OR "north* mississippi*" OR "south* indiana*" OR "south* illinois*" OR "southwest* oklahoma*" OR "north* texas*") |
rural | (rural* OR appalach* OR “farm* communit*” OR “isolated communit*” OR “small town*”) |
United States |
(appalach* OR "united states" OR midatlantic* OR carolina OR virginia OR washington OR california OR texas OR "new york" |
umbrella review or review of reviews |
("systematic review" OR "systematically review" OR metaanalysis OR "meta-analysis" OR "meta-synthesis" |
burnout |
(burnout OR "secondary trauma*" OR "vicarious trauma*" OR "compassion fatigue" OR “burn* out” |
comparing |
(compar* OR versus OR differ* OR dispar* OR inequit* OR unequal* OR contrast*) |
Native American (still working on adding in as many nations as possible that also do not correspond with names of large geographic areas to limit non-relevant results) | ("american native*" OR "native american*" OR "american indian*" OR indigenous OR "native peoples" OR tribe OR "native hawai*" OR "first nation*" OR “alaska* native*” OR Cherokee* OR Chippewa OR Sioux OR Paiute* OR Shoshone OR Winnemucca OR Blackfoot OR Apache* OR Tonawanda OR Shawnee OR Cheyenne OR Comanche OR Lumbee OR Kickapoo OR Pawnee OR Choctaw OR Chickasaw OR Goshute OR Chickahominy OR Yakama) |
leadership |
(leader* OR administrator* OR administrative* OR executive* OR manager*) |
effectiveness |
(efficac* OR effectiv* OR impact* OR success* OR improv*) |
therapy |
(therap* OR treat* OR interven*) |
evaluation |
(evaluat* OR effic* OR measur* OR assess* OR test OR tested OR testing OR tests OR achiev* OR satisf*) |
education |
(educat* OR train* OR learn* OR teach*) |
simulated patient |
(simulat* OR mannequin* OR manikin* OR “standardized patient*”) |
satisfaction |
(satisfact* OR attitude* OR complain* OR opinion* OR belie* OR feel* OR “length of stay” OR experience* OR perception* OR perceiv*) |
employee |
(employee* OR personnel* OR staff OR worker* OR practitioner* OR professionals OR colleague OR colleagues OR job OR workplace*) |
incivility (usually workplace) |
(bully* OR incivil* OR “relational aggression” OR cyberbull* OR “lateral violence” OR “horizontal violence” OR “vertical violence” OR "workplace hostil*" OR hazing OR "work* hostil*" OR "work* disrupt*" OR "disrupt* employee*" OR "disruptive behav*") |
employee retention |
(retention OR retain* OR turnover OR "intent* to leave" OR “le* the profession”) |
workplace |
(workplace* OR “work environment* OR occupation* OR worker* OR personnel* OR staff* OR employee* OR employer* OR employment) |
intervention |
(interven* OR training* OR program* OR solution* OR success* OR improvement* OR penalt* OR cope OR coping OR mitigat* OR prevent* OR stop OR stopping) |
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