After finding materials in the online catalog, use these pieces of information to find it in the library:
Can't find it? Ask for help at the Reference Desk.
E-books, print books, and other resources at Hunter Library
Explore specific journal titles here, or see the Literature searching page to begin research and find articles on your topic.
Can't find the full text of something you want? Try searching for the article title in the All-in-One HHS Search on the Literature searching page, and look for the "PDF Full Text" or "Find Full Text" button or link.
The "Find Full Text" link will send users to either a link to the electronic resource, details on the print version of the item, or a link to "No full text available? Try Interlibrary Loan."
Login to Interlibrary Loan with WCU student or employee ID.
176 Central Drive
Cullowhee, NC 28723
Administration: 828-227-7485
Reference: 828-227-7465
Circulation: 828-227-7485
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